sam rabiyah

sam rabiyah

Sam is a journalist and multidisciplinary technologist based in NYC. He works at the intersection of investigative reporting, counter-mapping, data visualization, and oral history to make information more actionable to movement-based organizers and the public.



The Political Potentials of Technology in Archival Work and Spaces of Solidarities

Eyebeam Exchange Series, School of Visual Arts, May 2024


Collaboration & Care in Mapping Displacement & Resistance

Housing Justice/Housing Futures Conference, Barnard College, February 2023


Using Data to Support Community Struggles

NYC Open Data Week, March 2021


Shifting Power Through Counter-Narratives and Data Justice

KADIST: Ways of Reading Symposium, e-flux, February 2020


Radical Mapping with the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

WYFY School, hosted by BUFU Collective, July 2019